Membership Plan Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

When you decide to join Molsom & Associates Ltd Eyecare Plans you will be required to sign a Direct Debit mandate.

The monthly fee will be collected by Direct Debit by Eyecare Payments Ltd. You will pay the monthly fee until the contract is terminated by either party.

Molsom & Associates Ltd may terminate this Agreement by giving you not less than one month notice.

In consideration of this payment, Molsom & Associates Ltd will be responsible for providing regular eye examinations (and contact lens appointments if applicable). You will also be supplied with contact lenses if this is part of your Eyecare Plan.

You should inform Molsom & Associates Ltd of any injury, difficulty or other relevant matter affecting your eye health generally.

In the event of the Direct Debit not being paid one month after the due date, products and services may not be supplied.

Molsom & Associates Ltd may change the amount of your Direct Debit to reflect the changes in product prices or your eye care requirement at any time, giving you ten days notice.

If you leave a Molsom & Associates Ltd Eyecare Plan within 18 months of receiving discounts on optical products and/or professional services, you will be liable for the full cost of the discounted item(s) including eye examinations and products.

This contract is exclusive to the parties and is not transferable between patients and does not cover the services of any other Eyecare Professional’s Practice.

All notices given under the provisions of this Agreement must be in writing and sent to the last known address (email or place of residence) of the patient or Molsom & Associates Ltd.

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